Everyone on the Rural Touring Award shortlist
has been chosen from a wider list of publicly nominated individuals, events and
organisations. The nomination portal was advertised far and wide throughout the
sector via email and social media.
"What a fabulous, ambitious and ground-breaking collection of people and ideas!" Ian McMillan, 2019 Rural Touring Award Judge
Jude Henderson, Director - Federation of
Scottish Theatres
Ian McMillan - poet, journalist, playwright,
and broadcaster
Kate Green, Deputy Editor - Country Life Magazine
"What a fabulous, ambitious and ground-breaking collection of people and ideas!" Ian McMillan, 2019 Rural Touring Award Judge
Priority Judging Criteria
Highlighting steps forward,
art form development, surprising stories, creative case.
Cross section of regions represented
accessibility and disability lead work
support of new and emerging talent
working with young people
diversity in the arts
raising the profile of rural touring
More on Criteria for individual awards here - http://www.ruraltouring.org/work/national-rural-touring-awards-2019
Young Person of the Year
Jasmine Lowrie

I love music, both
listening and playing and am also really interested in sound engineering. I
also enjoy photography and have recently started taking photographs at Live
NOMINEE: “I’m surprised by the nomination but honoured to have been nominated
and glad to be making a positive impact on rural touring”
It feels to me that Jasmine has gone deeper into the idea of what
Rural Touring is, and she seems like a really bright prospect for the future.
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "Since Joining Boarders Young Creative Jasmine has shown real commitment to the project" Anon.
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "Since Joining Boarders Young Creative Jasmine has shown real commitment to the project" Anon.
Sam Pullen

feel that I am so lucky to be able to do all of this when I am so young.
I am hoping that I can continue Learning and gaining
experience so when I leave school I have the knowledge to continue with a career within this field.
is clearly an exceptional young person with a bright future in our industry. I
wish him every success in his training and next steps.
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "Sam Pullen is an exceptional young man. Since
2017 when he was just 13 he has been helping out at all the Night out Shows we
have had at the Neuadd Dyfi. When I say help I really mean help. He helps with
the get in with the get out. Rigging lights setting chairs and clearing away at
the end. If there is nothing to do he finds something. If it’s raining you will
find him outside welcoming members of the audience with an umbrella." Anon
Break Through Performance of the Year
Sophia Hatfield
from Stute Theatre

BIO: 'Common Lore' is a fast-paced, multi-skilled solo show by actor and theatre-maker Sophia Hatfield (aka Stute Theatre), which retells Angela Carter's collection of Fairy Tales for a modern, young rural audience. A fast-paced fusion of rap, spoken-word, live electronic music, multi-rolling and physical theatre, this production attempted to push the boundaries of solo storytelling through the creative use of technology - with live projections and sound cues triggered entirely by the performer on a mobile phone as part of the action. Inspired by interviews with young people in libraries across the North West, this show took relevant, inspiring theatre to libraries, youth theatres, schools and rural venues engaging young people who do not traditionally access theatre.
Stute Theatre - Live Performance in Community Spaces, Schools and Theatres. www.stutetheatre.co.uk
NOMINEE: I am absolutely delighted that the creativity,
ambition, passion and hard work of the wonderful team behind Common Lore has
been recognised through this nomination. Whilst incredibly rewarding, creating
and touring theatre for young adults can be challenging. From the very first
commissioning meeting with Spot On, through rehearsals and when touring the
show, I was blown away by the enthusiasm, dedication and hard work of the many
rural touring organisations who made this show happen. The rural touring community
took a risk on a new piece, with the hope of welcoming and inspiring the next
generation of theatre audiences, whilst supporting Stute Theatre as an emerging
company and I'm incredibly grateful. Thank you so much!
JUDGES THOUGHTS: This feels really ground-breaking because of its brief to appeal
to young people in Library spaces. I like the idea of the show and the way it
was written and performed.
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "Sophia uses these three stories to reflect on what it is like to be an un-wealthy 18-year-old in the north, yet it is done with wit, humour and sophistication. Students, apprentices, grandparents and anyone else who was ever 18 will love this piece" Anon
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "Sophia uses these three stories to reflect on what it is like to be an un-wealthy 18-year-old in the north, yet it is done with wit, humour and sophistication. Students, apprentices, grandparents and anyone else who was ever 18 will love this piece" Anon
Theatre company
Dante or Die
BIO: Dante or Die makes
bold and ambitious site-specific performances that tour across the country and
internationally. The company gently transforms ordinary spaces to create unique
and intimate theatrical experiences.Led by co-founders Daphna Attias and Terry
O’Donovan, their original productions interrogate and celebrate contemporary
human stories that take place in everyday buildings - from hotel rooms to
swimming pools to cafés. They have collaborated with leading arts venues across
the UK including Traverse Theatre, The Lowry & The Almeida alongside
grassroots organisations in the localities in which they make work. Dante or
Die are SITELINES Associate Artists at South Street Reading, which champions
performance in unusual locations
NOMINEE: We are absolutely delighted to be shortlisted
for a National Rural Touring Award for Take On Me. Working with the guest cast
members in each location around the country was an absolute pleasure and an
inspiration. To every leisure centre that said yes to making this beast of a
show take over your building - thank you! We hope to see more spaces being
turned into theatrical landscapes over the next year of rural touring!” -
Co-Artistic Directors Daphna Attias & Terry O’Donovan
innovative and inclusive approach to local people and local places was really
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "Dante or Die's 'Take On Me' tour was an absolutely incredible project to be involved in last year, and definitely one of the most outstanding, unique productions that traveled to rural Norfolk in 2018." Creative Arts East
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "Dante or Die's 'Take On Me' tour was an absolutely incredible project to be involved in last year, and definitely one of the most outstanding, unique productions that traveled to rural Norfolk in 2018." Creative Arts East
The Haunted Man
by Kindred Theatre
BIO: Kindred Theatre was set up in 2016 to bring big stories into small spaces; our aim is to let audiences listen and see stories, old and new, in their communities, made for their spaces and relevant to their lives. It was formed by two theatre professionals, both from rural backgrounds, who have spent many years working in and loving the joyful and welcoming experience of rural touring and wanting to bring theatrical adventures into small communities.
NOMINEE: “We’re thrilled to be shortlisted for this award. After many years of working with the Networks and various rural touring companies, it’s a real pleasure to feel that our first adventure with our new company touched audiences in the way it did and brought about this recognition.”

QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "This was the largest staged production I have seen in rural venues. Full stage and lighting and sound really transformed the space, which felt like a theatre. The production quality was so high, and acting was superb." Anon
Special Award
BIO: Growing up I was
always involved in, and at my happiest when I was involved in theatre and
performance. I studied Visual Arts as a mature student and that led to my
passion (fuelled also by some frustration) for the arts, in all forms, being
for everyone. I established a few of my own small festivals and sculpture
trails where the focus was on the process of bringing people together and
enabling anyone to take part at whatever level they felt comfortable with,
rather than purely the end product. It was through discovering this
really strong belief that led me to find the part-time administrative role at
Creative Arts East. Their ethos and that of rural touring schemes as a
whole seemed a perfect fit for me. I have been very fortunate to have
been given opportunities and career progression well beyond my qualifications
and experience and am glad that it seems to have worked out ok for me and the
lovely and very supportive team I work with!
NOMINEE: Surprised, to say the
least! I am constantly blown away by the ambition and dedication of my
rural touring peers, so feeling very humbled by this nomination.
JUDGES THOUGHTS: I love the idea of her pushing the boundaries of what rural
touring can be and do!
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "Karen as a person is absolutely bursting with energy, creativity, and enthusiasm, and she has thrown all of this into developing the Creative Arts East Live! rural touring scheme into what it is today. She is a real ‘yes’ person – she is constantly striving to push the boundaries of what rural touring can be and do." Creative Arts East
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "Karen as a person is absolutely bursting with energy, creativity, and enthusiasm, and she has thrown all of this into developing the Creative Arts East Live! rural touring scheme into what it is today. She is a real ‘yes’ person – she is constantly striving to push the boundaries of what rural touring can be and do." Creative Arts East
BIO: Bara Caws was established over forty years ago to fulfill the demand for professional theatre for
the Welsh community in the Welsh community, and we are by now the oldest professional community theatre working through the medium of Welsh. We continue to provide a unique service to our grassroots audiences at the heart of our nation and are proud to be recognised as a mainstay of the Welsh theatrical landscape.
QUOTE FROM NOMINEE: We at Theatr Bara Caws are delighted to have been nominated and shortlisted for the National Rural Touring Awards 2019. It’s wonderful to know that our work continues to be appreciated throughout Wales, and we feel passionately that we must continue to strive with our mission of presenting a high quality diverse artistic programme at the very hearts of our communities. Recognition such as this nomination is greatly appreciated - thank you.
the Welsh community in the Welsh community, and we are by now the oldest professional community theatre working through the medium of Welsh. We continue to provide a unique service to our grassroots audiences at the heart of our nation and are proud to be recognised as a mainstay of the Welsh theatrical landscape.
QUOTE FROM NOMINEE: We at Theatr Bara Caws are delighted to have been nominated and shortlisted for the National Rural Touring Awards 2019. It’s wonderful to know that our work continues to be appreciated throughout Wales, and we feel passionately that we must continue to strive with our mission of presenting a high quality diverse artistic programme at the very hearts of our communities. Recognition such as this nomination is greatly appreciated - thank you.
JUDGES THOUGHTS: I'm excited and moved by the fact that they make shows in Welsh,
creating new work in a so-called minority language and challenging the rest of
us about our ideas about what art is and what it can be.
a community theatre company who present original, relevant work to the widest
possible cross-section of people, offering theatrical experiences of the
highest quality, bringing entertainment and excitement, ingenuity and relevance
to the hearts of communities in Wales" Anon
Sian Allen

NOMINEE: How do I feel? Honoured and humbled (and TBH
also a bit thrilled). Rural Touring is such a team effort - I don't think any
one person can ever be assigned particular credit for any aspect of its
is clearly a lynchpin in her local area; one of those ‘without whom’ people who
are so vital to rural touring theatre and to their communities as a whole
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "Sian was totally dedicated to Arts Alive for her twenty-year tenure, during which time she put on 2,500 live performances from 700 companies in front of 125,000 people, a record that will have been surpassed by very few" Anon
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "Sian was totally dedicated to Arts Alive for her twenty-year tenure, during which time she put on 2,500 live performances from 700 companies in front of 125,000 people, a record that will have been surpassed by very few" Anon
Favourite Performance of the Year
I Ain't Afraid of No Ghost - Little Earthquake

Little Earthquake
observes one commandment: “Thou Shalt Not Bore” — and our next big not boring
project is MoonFest, a nine-day celebration of the 50th anniversary
of the Apollo 11 Moon landing which runs between 16th – 24th
July 2019. (Our first wedding anniversary happens to coincide with the day on
which Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first men to land on the
surface of the Moon.)

It is thanks to
the very existence of the rural touring sector — and to the hard work of the
thousands of people who support it, both paid and unpaid — that artists like us
get to build these lasting relationships with audiences in the first place.
Our “Favourite
Performance of the Year” nomination has come directly from audience members who
have experienced and enjoyed our work — and being shortlisted for this award is
a massive validation of our most fundamental ambition for Little Earthquake: to
make audiences the most important ingredient in everything we do.”
show had clearly really made the audience think about the issues, as well as
entertaining them.
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "I even shed a tear as there was a real element of truth to the story. I think out of all the shows I have seen this year it was the most emotionally impactful." Anon
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "I even shed a tear as there was a real element of truth to the story. I think out of all the shows I have seen this year it was the most emotionally impactful." Anon
Excalibow by Bowjangles

NOMINEE: We have been Rural Touring for a
decade now and it remains one of our favourite things to do as a group. Of
course, none of it would be possible without the dedication of the staff
organising the scheme menus, the devotion of the volunteer promoters or the
enthusiasm of the audiences who make every show we do an absolute delight. We
are truly honored to have been nominated for this award!"
JUDGES THOUGHTS: The energy in this show was palpable, and the image of people from 5 to 93 enjoying
work together was brilliant.
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "Unbelievable Performance Skills - playing, singing, dancing, acrobatics, hilariously funny. Stunning all round performance. Entirely unique concept." Anon
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "Unbelievable Performance Skills - playing, singing, dancing, acrobatics, hilariously funny. Stunning all round performance. Entirely unique concept." Anon

NOMINEE: “Hearing that your efforts and ambitions chime with peers from across the country is both humbling and hugely motivating.
Knowing that it matters, as we all do, that artists can make contemporary,
experimental, playful work in village halls is a truth that needs to universally
JUDGES THOUGHTS: I like the idea of the intimacy of this show
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "The story had elements that were immediately recognisable to village inhabitants. It appealed to all age groups. The audience was close to the action and became very involved in the fortunes of the characters. A little sleight of hand with the ingenious set brought the show to a magical conclusion. Ideal winter show." Anon
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "The story had elements that were immediately recognisable to village inhabitants. It appealed to all age groups. The audience was close to the action and became very involved in the fortunes of the characters. A little sleight of hand with the ingenious set brought the show to a magical conclusion. Ideal winter show." Anon
Touring Scheme Collaboration of the Year
BIO: Co-working and Partnerships: Five rural touring
schemes in the North: Spot On (Lancashire); Cheshire Rural Touring; Arts Out
West (West Cumbria); Highlights (East Cumbria, Northumberland, County
Durham) and ArtERY live/liveLincs (East Riding of Yorkshire & North
Lincolnshire), along with Arts Alive (Shropshire & Herefordshire), form an
unconstituted, informal strategic alliance. The schemes have collaborated
since 1999, with Arts Alive joining later, demonstrating creative
programming, strength and resilience, delivering projects to the value of
over £1,000,000 in jointly commissioned tours by professional touring artists
and companies from the UK and internationally. The artistic quality of work in
the region is increased by working cooperatively on joint ventures and
increases opportunities for artists. This method of working is often cited by
ACE as a model of good practice in consortia working. The methods employed
use the skills and expertise of the scheme managers. Funding bids, tour
programming, management, financial leadership and risk are shared amongst
the participating schemes.
The five schemes also collaborate with other rural schemes in the north (North
Yorkshire and East Cleveland). Recently we formed new relationships with
the emerging Rural Touring schemes in the South Of Scotland (Ayrshire;
Borders; Dumfries & Galloway).
NOMINEE: Sue Robinson:
"The combination of the professional trust we have in our
northern consortium partners, combined with the APA's commitment to
us means we have as a consortium been able to punch above our weight, touring
Canadian companies to our venues for over 15 years. Without this
regional and international partnership, such activity
would be simply impossible.We are very excited with this nomination!"
is clearly a strong and sustained partnership, delivering major benefits for
their communities by working together. I loved the connection with Canada, and
the reference to work in French.
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "Together the consortium also have worked together to address issues in rural touring, such as finding diverse companies and work and supporting artists to rural tour." Anon
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "Together the consortium also have worked together to address issues in rural touring, such as finding diverse companies and work and supporting artists to rural tour." Anon
BIO: Carn to Cove is the touring scheme in
Cornwall and has been running for 18 years. It has a network of 85+ village
halls and community spaces and programmes around 120 events per year in two
seasons. When Villages in Action, the neighbouring scheme in Devon, running a
similar sized project announced its intention to close in 2017, Carn to Cove
stepped in to offer the network of promoters access to its own menu parties and
subsequently won funding to stabilise the scheme and appraise several options
to ensure its ultimate sustainability.
NOMINEE: We are really excited to be part of the rural touring awards this
year, as they are becoming an established part of the NRTF year. We are really
honoured to be shortlisted, as we know how much great work goes on in our
sector and we are very much looking forward to meeting up with colleagues and
friends at the Award Ceremony

QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "Villages in Action was to close. The promoters were very front footed about working with Carn to Cove. Despite capacity worries, the system seems to be working very well. I am proud that people cared enough. I am proud that Cornwall and Devon can work together so well. I am proud that communities care enough to keep work happening across the village halls" Anon

NOMINEE: “We are delighted that Inn Crowd has been shortlisted for
an NRTF award. Our Inn Crowd partnerships and collaborations make it fabulous
to be a part of’. Inn Crowd team
JUDGES THOUGHTS: This is a fabulous, ground-breaking scheme bringing performance to
new spaces and bringing new life and new ideas to those spaces
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "The opportunity to host Inn Crowd performances has opened up the chance
to host live events in some of our more challenging locations! Anon
Voluntary Promoter or Voluntary Promoting Group of the Year
BIO: Gwyneth Kensler - Brought up
in Holywell, I attended Bangor University in 1960. I married my husband in 1965
and then spent time living and working abroad. We settled in Denbigh in 1980.
After a
career teaching French and Spanish, I stood as a town and county councilor in
1995 and remain a county councilor. I joined the Theatr Twm o’r Nant committee
in 1983 and became secretary in 1988. About 12 years ago I successfully applied
for grants of £.75m to make the theatre as DDA friendly as possible; our
theatre is now flourishing thanks to our dedicated team of volunteers.
Gaynor Morgan Rees - Born and
bred in AbercwmIboi, South Wales, I have been working as a professional actress
on stage, radio, and television for over half a century. I
moved to Denbigh in 1982; I have been a town councilor since 2004 and was
mayor in 2012. I met Gwyneth in 1983 and
we soon became involved with Theatr Twm o’r Nant. Since the refurbishment of the theatre 10
years ago, I have been the booking officer. The theatre has to be self-supporting since it does not receive any subsidy; we are all volunteers and
give up our time for free.
NOMINEE: " We are
delighted to have been nominated by Night Out Wales with whom we have a close
and happy relationship. Without the sponsorship of the Night Out Scheme we
would not be able to hold professional performances at Theatr Twm o’r Nant. We
have a full, varied and exciting programme."
"What a surprise and also an honour. With funding for
the arts so greatly reduced, we are pleased to be able to do what we can to
help promote the arts in Wales."
JUDGES THOUGHTS: They have obviously done an amazing job over 20 years – people like this make the world go around
JUDGES THOUGHTS: They have obviously done an amazing job over 20 years – people like this make the world go around
over twenty years formidable double act Gaynor Morgan Rees and Gwyneth Kensler
from Theatr Twm o’r Nant in Denbigh have booked performances through the Night
Out scheme in both English and Welsh. In
the last four years they have promoted 36 shows (so far) and we anticipate many
more to come."
David Lane
BIO: Retired businessman David has had a lifelong involvement
with live performance. Realising at a very young age that he was no performer,
he turned to the backstage arts, and has at various times been a makeup artist,
stagehand, set builder, lighting designer and operator, director, producer,
and festival organiser (all unpaid!).
He stumbled across Live & Local in 2012, and immediately knew that promoting professional shows would be a fantastic opportunity to bring great art to his busy community centre. With his fabulous team of helpers, he has put on 44 shows of all genres to almost capacity audiences.
He stumbled across Live & Local in 2012, and immediately knew that promoting professional shows would be a fantastic opportunity to bring great art to his busy community centre. With his fabulous team of helpers, he has put on 44 shows of all genres to almost capacity audiences.

was particularly impressed by the extent of David’s engagement with companies
to expand their thinking about rural venues and audiences. This is a person who clearly lives and breathes rural touring, to the benefit not only of
his own community but to people all over the UK.
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "David is an outstanding example of a forward-thinking, committed rural touring promoter who goes the extra mile, and his efforts deserve recognition." Anon
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "David is an outstanding example of a forward-thinking, committed rural touring promoter who goes the extra mile, and his efforts deserve recognition." Anon
Yvonne Brown and the committee at The Dog Inn, Belthorn
BIO: The Community of Belthorn bought the
Dog Inn, their village pub, from a developer in 2015, and became Lancashire's
first Community-owned pub. Part of the commitment to the community was to host
a variety of events - the village doesn't have a village hall, church or church
hall, so the Pub has always been the main focus of activities. We hosted our
first Rural Touring event about one year after opening, in our new Community
room upstairs at the pub - even before the room had a carpet! This was a
performance by Howard Haigh and was a sell-out. Since then, we have
hosted 2 or 3 performances each year, which have attracted both local
audiences, and those travelling from further afield. Performances such as the
ones we have hosted are new for the Community of Belthorn, but appear to be
very much in demand. "

is a fantastic, multi-generational initiative, putting the pub at the heart of
community life. I like the fact that the committee is nominated
along with Yvonne, although she’s clearly a driving force!
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "All of the work Yvonne and the committee do is aimed at combating social isolation in this rural community by using the pub as a central point of contact for its residents. Spot On is incredibly proud to be one of many activities that ensure Belthorn is a thriving community and it is people like Yvonne Brown who make that happen." Anon
QUOTE FROM PUBLIC NOMINATION: "All of the work Yvonne and the committee do is aimed at combating social isolation in this rural community by using the pub as a central point of contact for its residents. Spot On is incredibly proud to be one of many activities that ensure Belthorn is a thriving community and it is people like Yvonne Brown who make that happen." Anon
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